Mercurial young raider Naveen Kumar from Dabang Delhi K.C. took home the Most Valuable Player award for vivo Pro Kabaddi Season 7 after his most successful campaign yet saw him cross the 300-raid point mark for the first time in his career and record the most Super 10s by a raider in a single campaign (22), of which 21 came in consecutive matches.
Having played 23 matches for Dabang Delhi K.C. in Season 7, Naveen managed a Super 10 in all but one of them. Match 9 of the season saw him score seven raid points against Tamil Thalaivas and was the only one where he did not record a Super 10. Naveen started his season with a 14-raid point performance against Telugu Titans and ended it with an 18-raid point performance against Bengal Warriors in the final. The final match also saw Naveen become the youngest player to score 300 raid points in a single vivo Pro Kabaddi season.
Naveen averaged a staggering 13.08 raid points per game and his best performance of 19-raid points came against Puneri Paltan in his team’s 60-40 victory at Panchkula. Preferring to score his points in multiple quick raids instead of putting in the big raids, Naveen managed just two Super Raids in the season but had a career-best successful raid % of 63.77. A raider with speed, strength, agility and tact all working for him, Naveen has cemented his name among the best in the league in just his second vivo Pro Kabaddi season.
Naveen Kumar in Season 7:
Total Raid Points – 301
Total Tackle Points – 2
Super 10s – 22
Super Raids – 2
Average raid points – 13.08
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