A brilliant Super 10 from Abhishek Singh helped U Mumba upstage Gujarat Fortunegiants by a 31-25 scoreline at the Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur on Sunday. At the post-match press conference, U Mumba’s assistant coach Upendra Kumar, captain Fazel Atrachali and raider Abhishek took questions for their team, while coach Manpreet Singh, defender Sunil Kumar and skipper Rohit Gulia represented Gujarat Fortunegiants.

U Mumba

Abhishek Singh and Fazel Atrachali celebrate a point.

Q. Thoughts on the performance?

Upendra Kumar: I would like to congratulate the team on an outstanding game. Through 17 matches, we hadn’t won back-to-back games. But today, finally, we managed to secure two wins on the trot, and I believe Abhishek Singh made the win possible.

Q. Abhishek, how pleased are you with the Super 10?

Abhishek Singh: The victory is sweeter than the Super 10. Gujarat Fortunegiants have always been an outstanding defensive unit. So, performing well against them is obviously very satisfying. We had planned to play it safe and play on the third raid and being able to execute that is what got us the victory.

Q. What were the positives today, Fazel?

Fazel Atrachali: We were in control of proceedings throughout the match. We executed our plan as a team and played as a team. When we do that, we are difficult to beat.

Q. Thoughts on Abhishek's performance?

Fazel Atrachali: Abhishek is a big player for us and he’s proving why.

Gujarat Fortunegiants

Coach Manpreet Singh in conversation with his players.

Q. Thoughts on the team's struggles?

Manpreet Singh: I believe the raiders haven’t performed as well as they could towards the end of the matches. We play well, build a lead and then end up throwing it away in the final phase of the contest. That’s a part and parcel of sport.

Q. Why did the raiders find it difficult to score in the second half?

Manpreet Singh: They executed their defensive tactics better than they did in the first half. We too were comfortable defensively for most of the night except that spell where we couldn’t stop Abhishek.

Q. Do you believe you still have a chance to qualify for the playoffs?

Manpreet: It will go down to the wire. U.P. Yoddha and Patna Pirates have been in good form recently. We will see what happens. We have to keep fighting till the last match.