VIVO Pro Kabaddi saw a new high on Wednesday, as the sport found its first members in the coveted one crore club. Seasoned raider Monu Goyat, in fact, became the highest paid non-cricketing sports person after his bid hit a record 1.51 crore. With the interest in kabaddi soaring and India’s own game reaching newer corners of the country every season, things are only poised to go upward from here.
A lot of people took to social media and gave their congratulatory messages to the players, along with voicing their happiness at how things have taken off for the sport. Here are a few among these voices that stood out.
Cricket to Kabaddi
A number of names from the arena of cricket expressed their joy at how events unfolded at the auction and how kabaddi was finally getting its due. Harsha Bhogle, veteran cricket commentator, even had a few suggestions for where this growth in Indian sports, fuelled by VIVO Pro Kabaddi can go next.
Isn't it wonderful to see some kabaddi players getting higher prices than some cricketers. Just shows how an indigenous sport can be built up. What next? Kho-kho? My vote for volleyball.
— Harsha Bhogle (@bhogleharsha) May 30, 2018
Virender Sehwag, who was recently a part of the VIVO Indian Premier League auctions himself as mentor of Kings XI Punjab, knew a thing or two about the kind of “shopping” acumen required for such an intense auction.
Wow! Loving the shopping in the #PKLAuctions . Great to see Kabaddi getting the attention it deserves.
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) May 30, 2018
Cases of Crores
The big news on the opening day of the auction was that the world would most probably get to see the first kabaddi players to fetch bids ranging in crores. So, obviously, those in the crore club made big news and social media was filled with messages for them.
Very special to be with 2 new Crorepatis of @ProKabaddi in our studio @StarSportsIndia! Hope everyone is loving our in-depth coverage of the #VivoProKabaddiAuction!
— Suhail Chandhok (@suhailchandhok) May 30, 2018
LIFE-CHANGING day for the players and momentous, historic day for #ProKabaddi! #ProKabaddiAuction
To see Kabaddi stars getting crores in the auction is a massive thing for Indian sport. Way to become a multi sporting nation. Players propped up by television becoming stars of the present. @ProKabaddi @StarSportsIndia @Sanjog_G @Golty
— Boria Majumdar (@BoriaMajumdar) May 30, 2018
Some of the players, who were in the studio, watching their big bids take place, had some epic reactions. But Rahul Chaudhari’s elation on knowing he is back with the Telugu Titans took the cake.
Loved seeing the reaction of #Rahulchaudari hearing these massive deserving numbers for him. Great TV @StarSportsIndia #ProKabaddiAuction and LOVED it when he realises @Telugu_Titans have chosen to get him back 😊
— RK (@RK_sports) May 30, 2018
While the sport of kabaddi has come a long way since the inception of VIVO Pro Kabaddi, it still has tremendous potential to grow. But as the recent auction showed, it is well on track to get there and take Panga with the big guns in the world of sports.
The growth of @ProKabaddi -- from what it was in 2014 to what it is now -- is a compelling case study in itself.
— Sarang Bhalerao (@bhaleraosarang) May 30, 2018
Enjoyed watching the auction. The bidding war, the reaction of the players during auction was the standout feature@StarSportsIndia#VIVOPROKABADDIAUCTION
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