Telugu Titans banked on ‘Baahubali’ Siddharth Desai’s mammoth 22-raid point performance to defeat home team Jaipur Pink Panthers 51-31 at the Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur on Friday. After the game, Telugu Titans’ Ghaloamreza Mazandarani, Jagdish Kumble, Vishal Bhardwaj, Abozar Mohajermighani, Siddharth Desai and Rajnish addressed the media while coach Srinivas Reddy took questions for Jaipur Pink Panthers at the post-match press conference. Here are some excerpts:
Telugu Titans
Q. Thoughts on the match?
Gholamreza Mazandarani: We have given all the players chances now and we know how they play. Now there is less pressure on the players. They are playing their natural game. I think the fact that this was Jaipur Pink Panthers’ last home game also favoured us. They had already played a lot this week so our chances got better.
Q. Are you more pleased with the defence’s performance or that of the raiders?
Jagdish Kumble: There have been times earlier when the defence got us points but not the raiders and also vice versa. But our team is playing well now. The defence is also well set. Siddharth Desai is getting good support in raiding. We have told the players to play with a free mind and I hope they continue to play this way.
Q. What was the plan today?
Jagdish Kumble: Our plan today was that the second raider has to support Siddharth well. We took the strengths and weaknesses of the opposite team into account before selecting the team today. And things worked out in our favour.
Jaipur Pink Panthers
Q. Thoughts on today’s performance?
Srinivas Reddy: This was a very disappointing performance, especially by the defence. The raiders have tried their bit but that effort was not enough to get us victory.
Q. Thoughts on the way forward?
Srinivas Reddy: It was essential that we win today’s match to stay in contention for the playoff. Now we have to depend on the other results even if we win both our upcoming matches. Had we won today’s match, the road ahead to the playoffs would have been far easier. Now we are in a more uncomfortable position than we would have liked.
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