Telugu Titans’ resurgence in vivo Pro Kabaddi Season 7 continued after they secured a hard-fought win over Jaipur Pink Panthers at the Thyagaraj Sports Complex in Delhi on Saturday. The game went down to the wire but a successful buzzer raid by Farhad Milaghardan gave Telugu Titans the win. After the match, Telugu Titans coach Gholamreza Mazandarani, assistant coach Jagdish Kumble, captain Abozar Mohajermighani and defender Vishal Bhardwaj spoke to reporters at the post-match press conference.

Telugu Titans

Telugu Titans’ coach Gholamreza Mazandarani gives his players instructions.

Q. Vishal, you seem more active on the mat recently and had lots of tackle points today. Happy with your performance?

Vishal Bhardwaj: Tackling doesn’t necessarily make you more active on the mat. Today belonged to the defence but whatever mistakes we committed during the game, we’ll try to rectify during practice.

Q. Tell us more about the game?

Vishal Bhardwaj: Look today’s game was very good. Both teams played very well today and made a lot of tackles. Our coach told us that the game was a do-or-die match, every match now is a do-or-die game for us, and we’ll have to keep playing in the same manner to progress to the playoffs.

Q. Coach, what did you tell the players before the last raid?

Gholamreza Mazandarani: We were in a tough spot because it was a do-or-die raid, so we needed to check what our options were. We only made one plan and went with Farhad Milaghardan to go for the last raid because he has a chance since he’s a strong player and was successful.

Q. Abozar, what do you make of how both defences dominated today’s game?

Abozar Mohajermighani: I think this season is all about the defence. If any team’s defence is good then they have some chance of success, but if you don’t have a good defence then you don’t have any chance.

Q. Jagdish, do you think winning today is good for the confidence of the team?

Jagdish Kumble: Look, right now we have no other option but to win. After our home leg, we’ve had just one target with a good team and good players. And we want to move forward not back anymore, so as Vishal has said we’re approaching every match in a do-or-die manner because we have no other option.

Q. Coach, can you please tell us what went through Farhad’s mind before the last raid?

Gholamreza Mazandarani: He says he was certain he would succeed before going for the last raid and after he completed it successfully, he was sure he had done it. Even when it was being reviewed, he was certain that he was successful. Before he went for the raid, I told him ‘don’t worry, we'll win the match’ because they had been lucky in the last two matches and I felt it was our turn to be lucky.