Tamil Thalaivas silenced a raucous home crowd by beating Telugu Titans 54-29 at the Gachibowli Indoor Stadium in Hyderabad on Wednesday. An incredible defensive performance saw Tamil Thalaivas log 24 tackle points and three Super Tackles as they took a well deserved victory.

Pawan Sehrawat brought the crowd to their feet and sparked the game to life with a Super Raid to take out three Tamil Thalaivas players in the fifth minute of the game. The raid turned a deficit into a one point lead for Telugu Titans. With their numbers reduced, the Thalaivas were struggling. But the tables were turned soon after as Himanshu's Super Tackle on Sehrawat kept them in the game and reestablished their lead.

Himanshu's heroics were a key reason for Tamil Thalaivas’ incredible defensive performance in the first half, where they logged an outstanding 11 tackle points. They got the first All-Out of the game to take a 14-6 lead and went into the break leading by nine points.

There was no let up to their dominance in the second half either, and defensively, if anything they got even better. They inflicted a second All-Out on Telugu Titans to take a 29-15 lead and then a third All-Out within five minutes of that to further streak into a lead.

By the end of the game, Tamil Thalaivas were cruising and despite Sehrawat's 10-point game, there was little the Titans could do but save face in front of a home crowd. A final Super Tackle in the final minute of the game on Sehrawat — who suffered many through the game — was the cherry on top of an incredible Tamil Thalaivas performance.

Top Performers

Telugu Titans

Best Raider - Pawan Sehrawat (10 raid points)

Best Defender - Hamid Nader (5 tackle points)

Tamil Thalaivas

Best Raider - Ajinkya Pawar (9 raid points)

Best Defender - Sagar (8 tackle points)

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