Swami Ramdev graced the opening day of the Pro Kabaddi League Season 10 with his presence at the EKA Arena by TransStadia on Saturday. Swami Ramdev attended the first day of the 10th edition on behalf of Patanjali – Partner for the Pro Kabaddi League Season 10.
Speaking about his tryst with kabaddi, Swami Ramdev said, “I have been playing kabaddi since I was five years old. I have grown up playing the game. I play kabaddi even now when I have the time. Today, kabaddi is the second biggest sport after cricket in India.”
Swami Ramdev also lauded the organisers of the Pro Kabaddi League – Mashal Sports and Star Sports. “Kabaddi should be played more in schools and universities across India. We'll have to grow the game even more. The organisers of the league have shown a lot of spirit while conducting PKL and have constructed a great platform for kabaddi players,” he said.
Gujarat Giants defeated Telugu Titans 38-32 in the first match of PKL Season 10 on Saturday, while U Mumba triumphed over U.P. Yoddhas 34-31 in the second match of the day.
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