After a back-and-forth battle over 40 minutes, Bengal Warriors and Telugu Titans shared the spoils after their match finished 29-29 at the EKA Arena by TransStadia in Ahmedabad on Monday. In the post-match press conference, coach BC Ramesh, skipper Maninder Singh and raider K. Prapanjan took questions for the Bengal Warriors, whereas Telugu Titans were represented by coach Gholamreza Mazandarani, captain Abozar Mohajermighani and raider Siddharth ‘Baahubali’ Desai.
Bengal Warriors
Q. Thoughts on the performance?
BC Ramesh: We played according to plan right up until the end. There were a few errors in places, but it was extremely important for us to not lose.
Q. Where do you think you could have done better?
BC Ramesh: The bonus point we gave away in the Do-Or-Die raid in the final minute was unnecessary. We had planned to play a high line. The time was almost up on the raid so we could have tackled the raider a moment earlier.
Q. What was the discussion right after the first All-Out?
Maninder Singh: There was no panic at any moment. We were calm and composed. We knew we could overturn the deficit without a problem.
Telugu Titans
Q. Thoughts on the performance?
Gholamreza Mazandarani: Our performance was good. In the last 10 minutes, we made a few aggressive tackles and we could have done better in that department.
Q. Thoughts on your performance, Siddharth?
Siddharth Desai: It was decent. Next match I’ll try and better this performance.
Q. Did last night’s win fuel your confidence heading into this one?
Abozar Mohajermighani: Definitely. We planned meticulously for this stretch of back-to-back games. We cannot afford to lose many games if we want to have a chance of qualifying for the Playoffs. Bengal Warriors are a very good team and I’m happy with the way we came back in the final quarter. Hopefully, in the upcoming games, we can build on this and perform even better.
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