Puneri Paltan and Jaipur Pink Panthers share a rich history in the Pro Kabaddi League. The Pink City franchise secured their first PKL title in the inaugural season, while Puneri Paltan had to wait for 10 seasons to claim the coveted trophy. Over the years, Jaipur Pink Panthers, the inaugural champions, have prevailed over defending champions Puneri Paltan 12 times, whereas Puneri Paltan has emerged victorious over them on nine occasions in PKL history.

In this article, we take a look at some of the thrilling encounters between these two teams.

  • Season 10, Match 69:

The PKL Season 9 finalists, Jaipur Pink Panthers and Puneri Paltan, emerged as strong contenders in the milestone 10th edition, posing a serious threat to the other 10 teams with their impressive form. When these two in-form teams clashed in Match 69, it promised to be a thrilling contest.

Initially, Jaipur Pink Panthers held a slender lead over Puneri Paltan, but with less than four minutes remaining, the Paltan surged ahead. Their skipper, Aslam Inamdar, extended the lead with an All-Out raid. However, both teams' defences appeared sluggish in the first half, with the Paltan almost doubling their points by halftime, leading 20-11.

Yet, the Panthers' attack and defence synchronized, resulting in two crucial All-Outs, spearheaded by Arjun Deshwal and Sunil Kumar. With 10 minutes left, the Panthers staged an impressive comeback, edging past the Paltan. However, Puneri Paltan, led by Aslam, fought back, and the game intensified in the dying moments.

The final raid proved decisive, with Bhavani Rajput securing a toe touch on Aslam Inamdar, clinching a 36-34 victory for Jaipur Pink Panthers.

  • Season 9, Final:

Similar to Season 10, Puneri Paltan and Jaipur Pink Panthers dominated the top two spots in PKL Season 9. They were separated by just 2 points at the end of the league stage, with Jaipur Pink Panthers leading the standings with 82 points. Both teams showcased exceptional kabaddi throughout the tournament and deserved their spot in the final.

The first half of this high-voltage encounter saw both teams going neck and neck, with players giving their all for the prestigious PKL trophy. It remained a closely contested affair, with the score 14-12 in favour of the Panthers.

In the second half, the Panthers aimed to control the pace of the game, but Puneri Paltan, led by Fazel Atrachali, fought fiercely, preventing the Panthers from extending their lead. Meanwhile, Sunil Kumar and his team maintained their composure until the end to win by a scoreline of 33-29, securing their second PKL title.

  • Season 6, Match 78:

Both teams started cautiously, and the game remained evenly poised in the first 10 minutes as they took their time to find their rhythm. Deepak Hooda attempted to increase the pace for his side, and after a few forced errors, an All-Out conceded by Puneri Paltan allowed the Panthers to take a 17-10 lead at halftime.

In the second half, Puneri Paltan intensified their efforts to narrow the deficit. However, the Panthers maintained a slight lead until Puneri Paltan secured their first All-Out with over seven minutes remaining. A touch-point from Deepak Dahiya levelled the score at 25-25. This clash lived up to the hype, with the outcome unpredictable in this back-and-forth battle.

Despite Deepak Hooda's Super 10 for Jaipur, Puneri Paltan's defence remained vigilant in the closing moments. With less than a minute left, Deepak scored a crucial point against Puneri Paltan’s skipper, Girish Maruti Ernak, tying the score at 30-30. An empty raid from Puneri Paltan’s More G B before the final whistle resulted in the two teams sharing the spoils.

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