The stakes for the upcoming season of VIVO Pro Kabaddi has never been higher following the announcement of a consolidated Rs 8 crore as prize money for the fifth edition. It quadruples the prize money from Season 4 besides marking a considerable increment to Rs 3 crore for the champions.

The runners-up will be handed Rs 1.8 crore, while the third-placed team will win Rs 1.2 crore. The Most Valuable Player award, which boasts the likes of Anup Kumar, Manjeet Chhillar, Rohit Kumar and Pardeep Narwal as its past winners, has also seen a boost with the upcoming season’s MVP set to bag Rs 15 lakh.

Commenting on the highly-anticipated new season, Pro Kabaddi commissioner Anupam Goswami said: “Even before the commencement of its fifth season, VIVO Pro Kabaddi has already traversed significant landmarks, beginning with a ground-breaking sponsorship deal, to record bids at the player auction, and now, a remarkable elevation of the consolidated prize money. The winning sum to be awarded to season 5 champions is on a par with renowned leagues, making the PKL trophy a highly-coveted one. The ground is now set for a fierce and dynamic 13 weeks of high-octane kabaddi action.”

The first match of Season 5 will see Telugu Titans battle it out with newcomers Tamil Thalaivas before Season 2 champions U Mumba lock horns with Maharashtra rivals Puneri Paltan in the second game of the opening day on July 28 in Hyderabad.

Here is the total breakdown of this season’s prize money.

VIVO Pro Kabaddi Season 5 Prize Money
Team Awards Amount (INR Lakh)
Winner 300
Runners Up 180
Third Place 120
Fourth Place 80
Fifth Place 35
Sixth Place 35
Individual Awards Amount (INR Lakh)
MVP 15
Best Raider 10
Best Defender 10
Best Young Player 8
Best Referee Female 3.5
Best Referee Male 3.5
Total 800